This past September 1st, 2022, The Route to Human Rights in the Primitive Way was inaugurated in the Auditorium Principe Felipe of the city of Oviedo, Asturias in Spain.
The objective of this action, created by International Solidarity for Human Rights, is “to raise awareness among pilgrims, travelers and citizens so that, through the Camino de Santiago, fundamental rights such as equality, freedom, respect, education, food or justice, among others, are known and disseminated,” explain the organization, which recalls that the Camino has been designated by the European Union as its “first cultural itinerary and main street”, and Prince of Asturias Award for Concord.
We thank all the authorities and honorable personalities and friends, that accompanied International Solidarity for Human Rights, Where is and the Council of Oviedo during the inaugural event in Oviedo, Origin of the Camino.
Oviedo City Council, Authorities of the Principality of Asturias and the Xunta de Galicia, mayors and councilors of the two communities, members of NGOs, business and cultural associations, associations of friends of the Camino de Santiago, all friends. Thank you very much for this evening! Especially Isabel Pérez Dobarro, who fascinated the audience with her concert and dazzled us with her speech; to Devorah Sasha for her magnificent interpretation of the Human Rights Anthem “A perfect world”; to the Choir of the Venezuelan Asturian Sociocultural Association of Oviedo, for the gift of their “Asturias Patria Querida”.
Also for his speeches to Alfredo García Quintana, Councilor for Tourism of the Oviedo City Council.
Elizabeth Sánchez Vegas, president of the International Solidarity for Human Rights Foundation; Eladio de Mora dEmo Artist, author of the plates; Benjamin Alba, pilgrim among pilgrims; José Antonio Garmón Fidalgo, General Director of Public Governance, Transparency, Citizen Participation and the 2030 Agenda; Begoña Panea, CEO of Where is Asturias; and Alfredo Sánchez Vallina, for being the perfect master of ceremonies. And of course, to the team of professionals at the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium who made it possible for
everything to go perfectly.
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